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Work Match 

We started matching people to projects in 1995.  Please contact us when you have a project, expertise match or product match.  The following is a current opportunity.

Work Match Opportunity

Provide your contact information and preferred follow-up phone - text - WhatsApp - email option.  You will receive a no obligation product match for each shared space you designate.  That way you will have a frame of reference to study your offer to join our revenue sharing program.  We start with your signed confidentiality agreement.  Then, you will get you a description of our program.  


Safe spaces are created by a one-time expense less than new carpeting. Our App matches one of our Mil Spec air and surface pathogen infection control systems.  CIMR Tech is power on and forget clean room living, working, growing and playing with no labor, no consumables, and no hazards. Stand alone or HVAC installation will clean, then keep clean everywhere air goes.  

Add to What You Sell

Learn about adding our Mil Spec system with its 18-years of successes to what you sell.   

Join our Project.

We provide all needed for our lean distribution strategy.  As an independent contractor you make the last mile connection between the inventor / manufacturer and your customer.  You invest only your time and talent.  Your compensation per sale will prove your value to the process.

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