​"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indisguishable from magic," Arthur C. Clarke
“Oh my gosh you actually have something!” said the Army Corps of Engineers Project Manager statement after seeing results from their best labs.
“CIMR Tech is the biggest factor in having a zero transference of COVID from sick patients to our providers” said the Ambulance Service Manager.

We're more than a traditional consulting firm. Not only do we provide expert services on one-off research-oriented projects, such as market surveys; we are also a project-structured organization dedicated to providing clients with industry experts working on shifting clusters of tasks in a variety of locations. We provide a contingent workforce that can grow, shrink, and reshape itself as the situation requires.

When you have work needing to be done we ask you questions so we can show you we understand what's needed and are the best qualified to get it done.
Problem: What requires professional, outside assistance? What underlying factors influence the problem?
Goal: What is the specific, measurable outcome?
Benefits: What benefit will be gained from the engagement? (WIIFM?)
Approach: What is the suggested approach? What segments, or milestones, are desired to assure satisfactory progress? What progress reports are required?
Deliverables: What is the nature of the final output required?
Budget: What budget and policy requirements impact pricing, billing procedures, payment terms, and expense charges?
Qualifications: What experience is considered relevant to the work?
Client Role: What help will be offered by client executives and staff? Will the client form a steering committee for coordination, review, and implementation of consultant's work?
Warranty: What is guaranteed?
Rights and Confidentiality: What is offered to assure protection of client interests and ownership of intellectual property?
References: What is required to assure expert's track record?